

Transformation processes in oasis settlements of Oman


The address contains the www-pages of the interdisciplinary DFG- funded project 'Transformation processes in Oases settlements of Oman'.

Scientific Responsibility for the website

Prof. Dr. Andreas Buerkert
Organic Plant Production &
Agroecosystems Research in the Tropics and Subtropics
Institute of Crop Science
Steinstr. 19
University of Kassel
D-37213 WITZENHAUSEN (Germany)
Phone: +49 5542-98.1229
Fax: +49 5542-98.1230

Implementation and Design of the website

Dr. Katja Brinkmann
Organic Plant Production &
Agroecosystems Research in the Tropics and Subtropics
Institute of Crop Science
Steinstr. 19
D-37213 WITZENHAUSEN (Germany)
Phone: +49 5542-98.1229

The layout, graphics and other contents of this homepage are protected by international copyright laws. Any use needs explicit permission by the responsible project scientist.
© Oases of Oman, DFG- funded project 'Transformation processes in Oases settlements of Oman'. All rights reserved.

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The information on this website will be updated from time to time. Project Coordinator/ Speaker and the Webmaster excludes any warranties to the quality, accuracy, completeness, performance of the website. Neither will the Project Coordinator/ Speaker and the Webmaster be liable for any damages how so ever arising, as a result of using the website.

Any links to external websites provided on this webpage are provided as a courtesy. The Oases of Oman project does not guarantee the information contained in links to other external websites. Neither will the Project Coordinator/ Speaker or any other member of the project be liable for any damages how so ever arising, as a result of using any website.